How do you know if you are into fashion?

Has fashion always interested you? Did the thought of going shopping excite you? Everytime you saw family or friends wearing something not fashionable were you quick to chime in and help? Was this your passion since as long as you could remember? Does mixing and matching colors and keeping up with the latest trends fulfill your creative fashion needs? If so then you are into fashion,if not you just like to dress nice. What happens if you are the type who just started getting into noticing fashion and liking it? Does that mean you are not into fashion because you didn’t jump out of you crib saying “Goo, goo, gah, fashion!” like how most fashionistas claim? Honestly all fashionistas weren’t all into fashion since birth,some fashionistas get their fashion sense later on if life. If you can’t wait for the Grammys or the Oscars to come on..not for the show but to see who’s wearing who! If you are obsessed with learning about not only todays trends but also about the history of fashion,that means you are into fashion. A simple rule to know if it is a fad or a phase is what I call the “8 month rule”. If you have not lost you zeal for fashion after 8 months or a year, you my dear are a true fashionista! – Stevie Giovanni

8 thoughts on “How do you know if you are into fashion?

  1. I am DEFINITELY into fashion! I wish I was more encouraged to take it seriously early on, my dream has always been to make a career out of it. But I am trying to pursue my dream now. Better late than never right?

    • That is great that you are going after your dream! You are absolutely right it is better to start later than never because fashion is one of those careers that you can make it big no matter when you start as long as you are dedicated. Thanks for commenting and good luck!

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